Уникальный вечер с мастером сатиры и слова! Виктор Шендерович представляет свои острые наблюдения, проникающую сатиру и фирменный стиль для канадской публики.
После трёхлетнего перерыва Виктор Шендерович вновь возвращается в Канаду с новой программой «Театр одного Шендеровича». Вы услышите авторское исполнение пьесы "Маршрутка”, герои которой думали поначалу, что едут каждый по своим делам, но вдруг оказались вовлечёнными в какое-то совсем другое движение…
Виктор Шендерович также поделится историями о своем театральном прошлом: портреты, театральные капустники, три пуда ностальгии...
По окончании – автограф-сессия. Избранные тексты писателя и новый подарочный альбом его афоризмов...
💻 Для подробностей и покупки билетов: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/regarts/1496530?
✨ Не упустите шанс провести вечер с одним из самых остроумных людей нашего времени.
For the first time in Canada! A recital by the outstanding singer-songwriter, playwright, director and actor Alexander Shcherbina.
Alexander emigrated from Moscow to the United States in February 2022, and in 2024 received a green card as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability. His programs consistently draw a full house of appreciative viewers.
“White Crow” is a multi-genre concert program where author's songs are intertwined with fragments of mono-performances, creating a unique atmosphere of live art.
Михаил Шац – стендап-комик, телеведущий, актер театра и кино, ютуб-блогер – привез в Канаду новую программу. После начала войны артист уехал в Израиль, а Россия провожала его званием иноагента. Теперь этот опыт – материал для точных, метких и бескомпромиссных шуток. В Европе и США сотни зрителей выходили с его концертов с ощущением, что в этом абсурде еще можно найти повод для смеха. Теперь – Канада.
Этот вечер – возможность выдохнуть, переключиться и увидеть, что мир еще не окончательно тронулся, если над ним можно так смеяться.
Автор пьесы: Виктор Шендерович Режиссёр - постановщик: Сергей Коковкин
В ролях: Мистер Гольдинер: Вячеслав Каганович Миссис Уотсон: Марина Карманова Айдонт Андерстенд! В пьесе Виктора Шендеровича "Потерпевший Гольдинер" и в спектакле Сергея Коковкина "Айдонт андерстенд!" три персонажа: Он,Она и Время. Спектакль ставит перед зрителем вопросы далеко выходящие за рамки "комедии и немножко себе мелодрамы". Кто мы? В ответе ли мы за наше прошлое? Эта история случилась на Брайтоне, но могла случиться где угодно...
For the first time in Canada! Irina Prikhodko's Grand Tour.
Irina Prikhodko is an independent standup comedian with Belarusian roots who has successfully participated in many TV and youtube projects. In 22nd year she emigrated, and continues to successfully tour and release new material, as well as starring in the YouTube show “Cultural Difference” with Ruslan Belyi.
Her previous concert “Tower of Babel” delighted audiences in more than 40 European cities in 2024. In the new program “Only Without Hands” Irina sincerely discusses health, personal complexes and boundaries, human interaction, touching on global social phenomena. The concert will appeal to both men and women, everyone will hear something close that will resonate.
For the first time in Canada! Irina Prikhodko's Grand Tour.
Irina Prikhodko is an independent standup comedian with Belarusian roots who has successfully participated in many TV and youtube projects. In 22nd year she emigrated, and continues to successfully tour and release new material, as well as starring in the YouTube show “Cultural Difference” with Ruslan Belyi.
Her previous concert “Tower of Babel” delighted audiences in more than 40 European cities in 2024. In the new program “Only Without Hands” Irina sincerely discusses health, personal complexes and boundaries, human interaction, touching on global social phenomena. The concert will appeal to both men and women, everyone will hear something close that will resonate.
For the first time in Canada! Irina Prikhodko's Grand Tour.
Irina Prikhodko is an independent standup comedian with Belarusian roots who has successfully participated in many TV and youtube projects. In 22nd year she emigrated, and continues to successfully tour and release new material, as well as starring in the YouTube show “Cultural Difference” with Ruslan Belyi.
Her previous concert “Tower of Babel” delighted audiences in more than 40 European cities in 2024. In the new program “Only Without Hands” Irina sincerely discusses health, personal complexes and boundaries, human interaction, touching on global social phenomena. The concert will appeal to both men and women, everyone will hear something close that will resonate.
For the first time in Canada! Irina Prikhodko's Grand Tour.
Irina Prikhodko is an independent standup comedian with Belarusian roots who has successfully participated in many TV and youtube projects. In 22nd year she emigrated, and continues to successfully tour and release new material, as well as starring in the YouTube show “Cultural Difference” with Ruslan Belyi.
Her previous concert “Tower of Babel” delighted audiences in more than 40 European cities in 2024. In the new program “Only Without Hands” Irina sincerely discusses health, personal complexes and boundaries, human interaction, touching on global social phenomena. The concert will appeal to both men and women, everyone will hear something close that will resonate.
For the first time in Canada! Irina Prikhodko's Grand Tour.
Irina Prikhodko is an independent standup comedian with Belarusian roots who has successfully participated in many TV and youtube projects. In 22nd year she emigrated, and continues to successfully tour and release new material, as well as starring in the YouTube show “Cultural Difference” with Ruslan Belyi.
Her previous concert “Tower of Babel” delighted audiences in more than 40 European cities in 2024. In the new program “Only Without Hands” Irina sincerely discusses health, personal complexes and boundaries, human interaction, touching on global social phenomena. The concert will appeal to both men and women, everyone will hear something close that will resonate.
Regarts Productions is a full-service production company that presents concerts featuring high-profile musicians, bands, stand-up comedy artists, as well as dance and theatre companies.
Formed in 2018 by Regina Teplitsky, the production company is committed to creating high-quality entertainment and showcasing unique artistic talents across Canada.
The primary focus of Regarts Productions is to continue promoting cultural events for diverse communities and to attract the best artists from both local and international scenes.
We produce and organize tours and concerts in major Canadian cities as well as small towns to reach out to diverse ethnic communities and welcome many new Canadians to our concerts.
Our portfolio and gallery showcase our work, which includes numerous successful and well-attended concerts, rock and jazz festivals, theatre productions, live band performances, fundraising events, speaking engagements, trivia games, private parties/weddings, and much more.